Microsoft only unveiled Windows 10 to the world yesterday, but you can already download a preview version of the new operating system today. The Windows 10 Technical Preview is designed for enthusiasts, developers, and enterprise customers to evaluate the latest changes to Windows. Microsoft has created a special insiders program to deliver regular updates throughout the Windows 10 development cycle, and those who sign up will get the very latest software to test.
It's an unusual move for Microsoft, but one that it plans to capitalize on by looking closely at feedback from those who opt to install the early version of Windows 10. Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Technical Preview as an ISO download, meaning you can install it in a virtual machine, clean install the OS on a spare machine, or even attempt to upgrade your existing Windows 8.1 installation. It's a very early build of Windows 10 so there will be bugs, but if you're interested in testing the very latest version of Windows then Microsoft's preview site has all the details for downloading and installing Windows 10.

Download: Windows 10 Technical Preview x86 (2.9GB ISO)
Download: Windows 10 Technical Preview x64 (3.8GB ISO)
Download: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 Activator torrent
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